
Episode 122: Brain Priming and Decision Fatigue

How to stay effective at work, and relaxed at play

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This episode looks at ways to help our brain assess states of effectiveness and high performance.

How often are we attempting to focus on work and yet our mind is drifting off to thoughts of the weekend?

On the flip side when the weekend finally arrives and it's time to relax we can't keep the office out of our minds.

What are some of the ways in which we can help the brain to stay in work mode when needed and also stay in play mode when it is time for rest and self-care.

The techniques are easy; it's just making sure we stick to them consistently so as to be able to get the most out of our brains as often as possible.

Episode 99: Receiving The Crumbs Of Love In Relationship

Growing your relationship with self

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This episode happened to emerge from the recesses of my brain because I was wondering about how it is that sometimes I have settled for so little lovingness and put up with so much below standard behaviour. 

I was on the track of thinking about that in relationship with others, and then realised it was more reflective of my relationship to me. This episode is a bit of a muse and a ramble through the concept of standards of treatment and levels of tolerance.

How is it that, sometimes I find that it is effortless to devalue, belittle and shame myself? However, the effort to readdress that with some loving positive self-talk seems more hollow and anything but convincing?

At the moment when I need myself the most, I can go missing. As human beings, we are in my opinion truly amazing and my hope is that this episode helps in some way towards your own growing relationship with self. All the best on your journey!

Episode 98: Safeguarding Self in a Toxic Relationship

Advice for navigating unhealthy realtionships

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Whilst there are some red flags that exist in the early stages of relationships, unfortunately it can take some time before we really become aware that the relationship we are in is really unhealthy.

Whilst this episode is by no means meant to be taken as specific advice as everyone's challenging situation will consist of elements of its own uniqueness, there are however some general points of consideration that may help make a difficult situation a bit easier to navigate. 

I hope this episode helps those in challenging situations and those who are supporting loved ones through challenging situations. It is also important to understand what protections under the law you have for your particular geographic region and what support groups are available to you.

Episode 26: A Ramble on Motivation

What makes motivation easier to sustain?

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Motivation for some can be about whipping oneself up into a frenzy of desire and activity. I have no issue with this as indeed for some people that is exactly what works!

However, for others, this can be difficult to sustain and that is what Episode 26 looks at. What elements of motivation are good to understand, and how do we operate in a way that supports our motivation and drives.

Self-care and effective strategies will make it easier for you to get motivated and maintain it as you move in the direction of the goals that you have set for yourself. 

Episode 21: Managing Extended Pressure

Identifying what our physical and emotional needs are is fundamental to anyone looking to grow, challenge and expand themselves

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Anyone who is building a business, working on a long-range project or managing life and family can experience periods where it just seems that nothing is working or gaining any real momentum is a grind. Knowing what to do to support yourself through this phase is vital so as to maintain ourselves and the relationships that we have around us.

Episode 21 Managing Extended Pressure looks at how we can sometimes be our own worst enemy by withdrawing from our network and dropping the ball on our self-care rituals. Identifying what our physical and emotional needs are is fundamental to anyone looking to grow, challenge and expand self through business, relationships or any other type of goal you have set for yourself.

How do we not only identify what works to assist us in continuing to show up our best but also how to we continue to stick to what works even when we sometimes don't feel like it.

I hope this episode aids you in moving through a tough period our helps you better prepare for what may be ahead.