Healing Myself From Toxic Family System

If we grew up in highly challenging family system then we had to adapt to survive. Some of those strategies we employed may still serve us well as adults and some can now get in the way of living a successful adult life. This episode which was requested, looks at some of the areas a person may have to focus on in order to heal and recover. We may have relationship issues, trauma triggers to deal with, harsh inner critic and a host of other areas to move through. The more we understand what we are up against the more effectively we can reach peace and resolution.

Negotiating For The Relationship

Any intimate relationship that is expected to work effectively will require from time to time some negotiation on behalf of the people involved. This episode draws from the relationship negotiation frameworks of Child, Family and Marriage Therapist Dr Pat Allen. There are so many challenges that a modern relationship faces so that certain areas of the relationship need to be clarified and agreed upon. These key areas are Time, Space, Money and Play. This episode explores these areas in particular time allocation and what we need to do to give ourselves and our relationship the best chance at success.


How Toxic People Select Their Prey

There are certain individuals who are more predatory and opportunistically minded. What types of social cues are they paying attention to? What are they looking for that would indicate that certain people are probably more vulnerable than others? This episode begins to explore this complex topic and what to watch out for when dealing with these types of more challenging people. The more education and awareness we have the more informed choices we get to make around who we decide to spend our precious time with.

Recovery Post Toxic Relationship

Any relationship break-up can be challenging and take some time to work through. However, recovery from a particularly toxic and challenging relationship can take a whole lot longer and require some very specific focus. It would seem that the more toxic the relational experience, the easier it would be to move on, but sometimes the opposite occurs. In this episode of the conversation series with PJ and Sean, we discuss some of the aspects you need to know and what kinds of unexpected challenges can arise.


Early Warning Signs in Relationships

It is exciting to meet someone new and begin the dating journey filled with hope for what the future may hold! However, it is equally important to be mindful of possible warning signs that this relationship might end up being a really painful experience. If we know what to watch out for we can avoid getting entangled in toxic relationship dynamics that could cause us great pain, damage our self-esteem and cost us financially too. This episode is part of the conversation series between PJ and Sean aimed at informing and educating people on healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics.


The Immature Relationship Partner

The more we understand the relationship dynamics we are in the greater the opportunity to improve, grow and develop as a couple. Gaining deeper insight into ourselves and our partner can help us to move forward in a more effective and harmonious way. Growing up in relationship can considerably diminish the obstacles we encounter as a couple in our lives. This episode which is part of the conversation series between PJ and Sean explores immaturity in relationship, symptoms, challenges and what to do.


Immature or Abusive Relationship Partner

The more we understand about relationships especially when it comes to areas of disfunction the more effective our decisions about what to do in response to what we are experiencing. This episode is part of the conversation series between PJ and Sean regarding understanding some of the differences and similarities between immature and abusive dynamics in relationship.


Anxiety Based Parenting

Children take their lead from us, not necessarily what we say but what we do. Children are modelling, emulating machines drinking in everything which is what makes them magic learners.

If we want children to grow up strong, authentic, resilient and well esteemed then this requires so planning and strategy. It isn't all about techniques that we can utilise on children to change or guide their behaviour. What as a parent am I doing, and what kind of role model am I?

Children need to be shown what to do and not just told what not to do. Parenting is a challenging and amazing role, hopefully this episode helps.


I Thought we would Always be Together

The parameters of modern romantic relationships are changing rapidly and we are beginning to see whole new challenges and expectations appearing. Never before has the idea of a long-term relationship been so short term.

Most adults now are looking at a minimum of 3 to 4 serious long-term relationships in adulthood compared to the old idea of one person for life. The one person for life idea will still exist but most likely as the exception not the rule.

What this means is that we need to begin to have different ideas of what makes a successful relationship, one that is perhaps not so heavily attached to a duration of time but rather how did we learn and grow whilst in the relationship. I hope the episode offers some food for thought!


The Key Stresses in Relationship

Long-term relationships have many ups and downs over the length of the relationship journey. Each couple is different however there are two pressure areas that tend to present consistently that when addressed can greatly reduce stress, tension and resentment in relationships. This episode explores what those two key stress points are and what to do about them so as to continue to have happy, fulfilling and ideally lasting relationships.


The Absolute Yes

The demands on the modern business person to have a successful business, fulfilling family life, passionate relationship, proper self-care and not mention thriving social media profile, wow that's a lot of pressure! This episode is about exploring a strategy for successful utilisation of time. Time is a non-renewable resource so anything that helps to assist in getting the most out of it has to help. This is a great method for deciding what activities, business ventures and opportunities to engage in. I heard of this approach from the extremely successful entrepreneur Derek Sivers. I hope you find it as helpful as I have.


Anxiety in the Family

It may seem like a strange thing to say but it takes everyone in the family to participate in the family system. Each family system has its unique ways of dealing with anxiety, facing or avoiding intimacy and conflict. These unique ways become part of what is handed down from generation to generation. Through understanding these patterns of managing intimacy and anxiety we can begin to deal with anxiety better and also to have better, more connected relationships. These insights can challenge us but the reward is improved intimate relationship experiences and renewed closeness to those that matter to us most.


Experiencing Self Love

Sometimes the way we word a question can send our mind on a different and possible more profitable track. Please consider the difference between these two questions. How do I love myself more? Compared to: When will I be ready to love myself more? Both useful questions but direct us on a different thought path that this episode seeks to explore. Through exploring these differences deep and productive insights can begin to occur!


Couples in Business

There are few things more challenging than combining a romantic relationship with a business dream! If it works out, then it is truly amazing and if it doesn’t both your relationship and your business could be gone. Couples in business need to really know what they are up against and also what to do that can really help to keep both relationship and business thriving! Sean Healy works with individuals, couples and businesses to develop relationships that work for effectively, manage conflict and deepen connection.


Self Awareness in Parenting

Children are modelling their parents to know how to be in the world. The more we are aware of self as a parent, what triggers us and how we deal with stress the better we become as a role model. If a parent has awareness and effectively managers self, it creates an environment of greater stability for children. This episode looks at some of the focuses a parent can attend to regarding themselves that help children get the best start in life.


Attachment and Kids

Modern parenting is challenged in a way that has never before been seen.

The bond between parent and child that is so important for healthy childhood development is under pressure form distractions through lifestyle, business, social media and technology.

Regular rituals between child and parent to help keep the attachment bond healthy is vital. This episode looks at that bond and its importance in child raising.


Having Productive Disputes

Arguments and disagreements are a part of relationships, family and business life.

If approached effectively they can be a source of greater productivity, respect and connection. Approached poorly however and it can be a slow or rapid disintegration of a relationship. There are key elements and principles to take into mind to make disputes work for us and not against us. This episode explores some of those elements.


Recognising Emotional Fusion

Is it love or unhealthy emotional fusion that is keeping your relationship together, for now!

There are certain patterns that would indicate we are fused with our partner inappropriately. This blocks intimacy and freedom within the relationship and can ultimately

drain the relationship. Knowing what to be mindful of helps to keep our relationships meaningful, engaging and stable.
