
Episode 66: Bouncing Back From Failure

Tools Episode 66: Bouncing Back From Failure
Sean Healy

Manage mistakes without losing confidence

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It is important to have a method in place to overcome or move through potential failures and short comings. How do we get up and going again after our beloved business vision fell flat or seems to be heading in that direction.

The most effective business people are those that have a way to manage mistakes without losing confidence, freezing up and grinding to a halt. 

Having a bounce back plan in place before you begin can really help you to take the risk and the steps of courage you need to take in order to put your value out into the world!

Episode 22: Embracing Mistakes

Tools Episode 22: Embracing Mistakes
Sean Healy

How do we respond effectively when we take a false step?

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There are a lot of elements that lead to people being successful and achieving grand visions. One of these that seems to be very common amongst high achievers is their relationship to mistakes. 

Episode 22 looks at being able to embrace mistakes and see the value in them. It is important to see mistakes as just a part of the process and not over personalise the experience.

Through changing our responses to these moments we can recover more readily, take the learnings, and not allow our confidence to be adversely affected.

The ability to make mistakes and keep moving forward regardless is essential in achieving goals.