Episode 115: Parenting Role With Adult Children

Tools Episode 115: Parenting Role With Adult Children
Sean Healy

Reinventing an equal relationship with your children

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As children grow, they move through different stages of development on the journey to adulthood. As their yearning for individuality emerges and especially as they reach late teens, early twenties the relationship with them begins to change. It can be very challenging and anxiety-provoking to the parent to step out of their directive role into a more adult to adult relationship.

What used to be a comfortable, familiar relationship is let go and new dynamics emerge for relating to your adult child as an equal. How, especially in moments of stress, can I deal with this person in the present rather than falling back into old relating dynamics and reactive, uninvited advice-giving?

It can be challenging to reinvent our relationship with our kids but if we can push through the discomfort, amazing things can be achieved!