Selfish Partner

Episode 100: The Immature Romantic Partner

Tools Episode 100: The Immature Romantic Partner
Sean Healy

Understanding the behaviours & dynamics of partners with maturity issues

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Even a healthy relationship takes work and compromise over time, not to mention the many challenges that life seems to throw at a couple! It can be challenging at the best of times. It can get even harder when we appear to have found ourselves in a relationship with someone who is reluctant to grow up and step up. 

This episode looks at some of the behaviours and dynamics that you may have to deal with on a continual basis if your partner seems to have some maturity issues. Such things as they refuse to consistently clean up after themselves, make impulsive choices that seem to blow up and set you both back. Show up for the fun and disappear for the hard stuff. Perhaps they consistently seem to put their friends and hobbies before you and the relationship. There are many other ways in which immaturity can put tremendous pressure on your relationship.

The more we are clear on what we are dealing with or up against the more effective the solutions we come up with will be. All the best in your relationship and I hope this episode helps!