Episode 103: Wedding Day and Married Life

Tools Episode 103: Wedding Day and Married Life
Sean Healy

How you can give your marriage every chance at success

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A wedding is an amazing symbol of love, commitment and unity! It is an opportunity to share and celebrate our relationship with those we love. It is great that we really enjoy the day and invest time in making sure on the day it all goes smoothly. 

Given we put that much time and energy into a day in our relationship, how much time do we invest in the planning of our life together and our marriage?

Some planning and structure in our married life actually promotes romance, freedom and intimacy rather than takes away from it. There is so much to talk about such as how we prioritise our time as a couple, what are our joint dreams and desires, how will we spend our money and what constitutes fighting fair?

Even great relationships take renewed effort, focus and work! With so much demand on our time in modern life, how can we give ourselves every chance at success? This episode looks at some of the areas to address before it is absolutely necessary. This episode could be of value not only to those early in the marriage journey but also to help refresh for those of us further along the marriage road.